Solace in CBD

It feels as though every day, there’s something new to be worried about alongside the normal stressors
from balancing work and home life.

Around 8 out of 10 Americans are affected by stress, and 68% of all Americans say they are struggling
with sleep at least one day out of the week.

These chronic stressors in our lives affect our bodies, afflicting us with symptoms like headaches, chest
pain, heart palpitations, and high blood pressure.

While struggling to deal with life’s modern-day expectations, many of us turn to things like alcohol, or
medications to keep us relaxed and often sane. If you’re someone who is looking towards something
beyond the fuzzy haze of an alcohol-filled night and the splitting hangover to satiate your stressed body,
then consider looking towards CBD.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a chemical that’s found in both hemp and marijuana and now being marketed as
a cure-all for everyone’s problems, whether it’s body aches and pains, depression, anxiety, or sleep
troubles. Due to past regulation, the science behind CBD is still far from conclusive on the benefits in the
long term, but people’s anecdotal evidence has been enough for some to take the jump on the substance.

Unlike THC, CBD doesn’t make users high. This is often the connotation that gives CBD a bad rap
amongst those who aren’t well versed on the subject and keeps people from trying. But for something that
doesn’t get you high and, as stated by the World Health Organization, doesn’t have the properties to be an addictive substance, there are worse things that help you get through the day!

The use of CBD is growing amongst adults of all ages, including parents, as a way of dealing with
everyday stress in a way that’s more naturally aligned to benefit us. Companies are beginning to look
towards more natural and accessible solutions to the growing desire and curiosity surrounding CBD.

Products containing CBD are popping up everywhere around the market, from CBD gummies and coffee
pods to hemp-infused mascara and lotions. Although some products seem more legitimate than others,
the growing boom in desire for CBD products hasn’t stopped people from buying. Plenty of people swear
by CBD as a way to find relief from life’s pressures.

Although many companies perform third-party testing on products to ensure the purity of the product, the
FDA doesn’t provide any oversight to ensure companies keep high standards.

Finding both the right CBD product for you as well as finding a company trustworthy of your time can be a
hassle in itself, but there are lots of online informational guides and CBD marketplaces to point you in the
right direction. Once you find the right product to incorporate into your daily lifestyle, you can take your
first step towards a less anxious, stressed, and sleepless you.

If you’re someone who doesn’t have a lot of time in the mornings, then adding a few drops of CBD oil to your coffee in the morning can be a great way to add cannabidiol into your routine without much change.
CBD oil is often an excellent choice for those looking towards more overall wellness benefits, and effects
can be felt in a few minutes if taken sublingually. But the taste might not be for everyone, which is why
adding it into your morning coffee is a great solution.

However, taking a gummy might be more your style. CBD gummies are reasonably accessible and don’t
carry the same herbaceous and earthy flavors as CBD oil. Taking one or two at the beginning or end of
your day, much like one would a gummy vitamin or supplement, can help you start feeling the effects
throughout the day.

Personally, taking a nice long relaxing bath and popping in a CBD-infused bath bomb is more in line with
my lifestyle. Chipping away at a keyboard sure does your neck and back in after 8 hours a day five days a
week! But the beauty of CBD is the growing amount of options available for people’s individual needs.

With the addition of CBD-infused products, people are adding to their arsenal of ways to combat stress
and anxiety in our powder keg of an Earth. Stop sweating about the small stuff and make an effective
change in the way you face your life with more natural solutions.

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